Originally published April 1, 2016
Energy Flows where
Attention Goes
In the last 2 months, I have been on 16 flights. I love to travel, whether it’s for work or play, but I have to say I hate flying. And the reason might not be what you think…
I don’t have to wait in security lines because I’m TSA pre-check. I no longer want to shake folks to tell them to let people pass before getting their luggage in the overhead bin! I have learned to simply observe the antics of my fellow travelers, a big change for me. I’m racking up miles like crazy. And even though the science of how a huge plane stays in the air freaks me out, I don’t have the fear of crashing.
But every time I fly, I feel like I’m back in grade school when it is announced that we’re having a day at Great America. I would stress for weeks over going to the seemingly fun amusement park. I HATE RIDES!!!! And as a kid, you don’t want to be a wuss or miss out on any fun. Like flying, I’m not scared I’ll get hurt, I’m scared of that feeling of losing my stomach and not knowing how long until it ends. Ever wonder who uses the exit door right before you get on the ride, after standing in line for 45 minutes…yeah, that door was for me!! But I didn’t always take it.
A friend’s dad once told me that if I scream at the top of my lungs on the roller coaster, I wouldn’t loose my stomach…and I’m not talking about getting sick. I never threw up…just that feeling like you might! So, I got on the roller coaster and screamed from start to finish. And it worked!!! That was my little secret every time I was in a situation where I was having some sort of anxiety and motion issue. As an adult, I sometimes mask this trick behind singing.
Unfortunately, when a plane hits turbulence, it’s not really appropriate to scream or sing at the top of my lungs. But I have noticed over these many recent flights, that my focus is on turbulence even before I board the plane. What’s most interesting, is this is a concept that I teach and that I put into practice in most of my life…Where focus goes, energy flows. I was so focused on the possibility of turbulence, that even the slightest little bump would heighten my anxiety. And my head knew I was making it worse by focusing on that. But this is how we also create turbulence in our lives.
Where is your focus?
Are you focused on the fact your boss never acknowledges your contribution?
Are you focused on your debt?
Are you focused on the lack of a relationship?
Are you focused on your less-than-perfect body image?
Are you focused on a current pain or ailment?
Are you focused on what you don’t have?
Attention is energy, so when we focus our attention on something, we’re sending energy to it and fueling that something. And most of the time, we have been programmed to focus on the problems and on lack… what’s wrong and what we don’t have. But we can’t change the focus if we’re not aware of where we are focusing our energy.
On one of my last flights, when I was having the realization that I was focused on turbulence, I instead moved my focus to the little old lady sitting next to me. We had a lovely conversation and when we actually hit a little bump in the air, I was fine, because my attention was elsewhere.
So, where is YOUR focus? And where do you want to shift your focus?
I’m gearing up for more flying, and I’m excited to see what happens as I shift my own energy to smooth, swift and safe travels.
Here’s to focusing on and fueling your bliss!
Lesley Picchietti, CPC, ACC, ELI-MP
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